Bobcat Hire
Being in the Bobcat and Excavator hire industry in Sydney, I have worked in all areas and ground conditions from sandy conditions down at the Northern Beaches and surrounding areas, across to kurnell, to clay and shale around the Hills shire as far as Penrith and across to Campbelltown and to rock and sandstone in the mountains as far as Wentworth falls. From experience, all jobs require different processes and time constraints.
Working in sandy conditions can be very challenging, a real concern of collapse on trench and box-outs is a major factor plus the impact of high tide and low tide for low lying areas. From an Excavation point of view, shoring boards and boxes are a must in most cases depending on depth of cut and excavation required.
Working in sandy conditions can be very challenging, a real concern of collapse on trench and box-outs is a major factor plus the impact of high tide and low tide for low lying areas. From an Excavation point of view, shoring boards and boxes are a must in most cases depending on depth of cut and excavation required.
Landscaping in sandy conditions becomes more challenging because the ground moves so much, so machines with tracks is in 90% of cases are a must. Here at Bilbie's We can supply Bobcats with steel tracks with rubber pads and also rubber tracks on our excavators which means lower ground pressure to float over the sand to accomplish the job faster without sinking in the sand which means a better finish and a faster completion time. Drilling piers in sand is also very hard because the material always wants to collapse, in our experience forma tube is usually required of course. By using this method you are guaranteed of a clean hole that is structurally sound but it also depends on what depth you require. Most excavations in sand require a lot more attention to land shift, so what we call battering is a must. This means any excavation should be tapered off at an angle to stop the material from caving in so usually you may be required to stockpile an excess of sand on site to assist in back filling later. Sandy conditions are challenging but with knowledge and experience it is easy.
Working with clay is usually very good, it gives you a strong solid base for most construction processes, you can drill piers without forma tube and in most cases collapse is not a concern as long as they are not left open for to long. The detail that can be achieved whilst working with clay and shale makes life so much easier. As always though, benching and shoring is required on any excavation deeper than 1 metre but usually these kind of ground conditions do not move like other sandier conditions. The ground is usually harder which is a bit more time consuming but you always have better results. All in all you can do anything in that kind of material. Working in shale is a bit more time consuming again. In most cases you can just dig through it but some shale’s we come across are as hard as rock, so sometimes you
have to rip the material with a ripper attachment. At Bilbie's we have a 5 Tyne ripper for the bobcat and a single ripper on our excavator, that usually starts the ball rolling. But some shale’s we have come across need the Excavator mounted demolition hammer to remove it as some shale’s have a large iron content and can be stubborn but with the right equipment and knowledge you can achieve anything.
Landscape preparation is easier as well; you can turn hard clay into a very nice turf underlay with a bit of time and effort. Using our five Tyne ripper you break up the clay by ripping it again and again, then you add sand, stir it through the clay using the ripper, we then add gypsum to help in the process of breaking down the clay. We add a mixture of garden mix and water crystals and stir that threw using the 5 Tyne ripper, this will give you a fluffy base that will retain moisture and be high in nutrients for your turf, then we cap it off with a 25mm to 50mm screened topsoil that is spread out using our spreader bar. The end result is a golf course finish that will suit the finest of turf.
Landscape preparation is easier as well; you can turn hard clay into a very nice turf underlay with a bit of time and effort. Using our five Tyne ripper you break up the clay by ripping it again and again, then you add sand, stir it through the clay using the ripper, we then add gypsum to help in the process of breaking down the clay. We add a mixture of garden mix and water crystals and stir that threw using the 5 Tyne ripper, this will give you a fluffy base that will retain moisture and be high in nutrients for your turf, then we cap it off with a 25mm to 50mm screened topsoil that is spread out using our spreader bar. The end result is a golf course finish that will suit the finest of turf.
Working in Sydney we also come across a lot of jobs that require excavations in rock. These areas extend from the Coast, Western Sydney and right up to the Blue Mountains and are usually time consuming and challenging. The best way to deal with rock is to use a big machine for the bulk and then dress the rest with smaller equipment.Here at Bilbie's we are detail operators and can achieve most of your detail requirements. We have found many times that the rock shelf is not far below the topsoil so a ground investigation does not take long and can give you an idea of the extent of a rock excavation that is required. There are many ways of dealing with rock; you can saw it using a big excavator mounted saw or a road saw.
Depending on depth, you can sometimes rip it using a excavator with a ripper or hammer it using demolition hammers. Here at Bilbie's if we have not got the equipment ourselves we know somebody who has and they too are professionals who are as experienced as we are in dealing with rock. In most cases rock jobs don’t need shoring or benching or battering as long as the rock is stable and is not fractured you can have some nice feature walls using its own natural rock feature. But it all comes down to prep and an eye for detail.
Area,s covered
McGrath's Hill
Northern Beaches
Qualkers Hill
We travel to all local Sydney suburbs